
Monday, May 26, 2008


So, I'm at my friends' (Terry and Lisa) house, having a barbecue in their backyard. We've had steaks, chicken and some giant hot dogs. I'm full as a tick and I'm amused as hell that I can blog without a computer.

Earlier today I went out looking for an iced americano (and found one at Metropolis Cafe down the street) and saw one of those guys with the bicycle-driven ice cream carts. I decided needed a popsicle; there is a mexican brand of fruit-flavored ones that I love. The man didn't have those, but he did have watermelon ones. I discovered these were actually slices of watermelon frozen on sticks. They were very sweet and had intense flavor. It reminded me of the watermelon we had on Emeishan in Sichuan, which in turn brought up a flood of memories of the students who befriended us, temples overlooking cliffs, thunderstorms on mountaintops and thieving monkeys.

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