
Friday, December 19, 2008

My Christmas Message

In case I missed anybody (I hope not), I am posting my Christmas greeting here.

I don't particularly like "the holidays." Actually, I pretty much loathe them. I can't tell you how much this time of year fills me with irritation, though that doesn't stop me from trying to explain the depth of my dislike. As I wake up each morning to NPR, the news this Christmas is especially gloomy. Talk in the elevator is about layoffs, with whispers of "how awful! and right before Christmas." As if any time of year is good to lose your job.

So why do I feel so hopeful when everyone else is so anxious? Maybe because I still see people raising and giving money to people who need it (Cliff, that moustache looks fantastic; the class room who got the cameras should take a picture of it). Or that people are still following their dreams, economy be damned (I'll be in to pick up my comics soon, Terry, and Jeff, I really need a massage). People are still writing, creating art, making music, saving the environment and doing what they do best, just being good folks and good friends.

I am writing to let you know I am your number one fan.

(In a good, not-a-stalker-way.)

Keep doing the magic that you do. You are making the world a better place and that gives me a lot of hope.

On a less sappy note, I have made a "mixtape" of my favorite Christmas songs for your enjoyment (may not be suitable for work or small children or small, working children):

Power to the People!
Peace and Love,

Betsy (and Jack)


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