
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

There's no excuse not to read...

Here's my newest favorite site/service:

Daily Lit

Browse from 200 titles of classic literature from Dante Aligheri to Emile Zola and sign up to have a book (or two) sent to you by email. The book isn't sent all at once, but in manageable chunks at the time of day and frequency (every day, every week day, etc.) you specify. A "manageable chunk" is about a page of text, not much more than a long email, and because it's plain text, it's easy on the eyes.

Right now I'm reading Leaves of Grass by Walt Witman and Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie. It's a nice break in the middle of my day and takes no more than ten minutes or so to enjoy. I probably waste more time writing this journal.

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